Dear Friends through Christ:
Finally, the virus seems to be in our rear view mirror, and prayerfully, there is not a war down the road. Yet along the uncertain winding, up and down highway, with its many potholes, the church moves forward. And that is exactly what Peace Lutheran Church is trying to do; move forward.
This past month has showed signs of normalcy. Peace was much busier than she has been in time that I have been here. Many of you reading this see the church on Sunday morning and perhaps on a Wednesday evening for Lent or Choir. At these times the streets are typically quiet, and the attendance is low. However, if one stopped by the church during the week, they might be surprised to see so much activity and life. Truthfully, there’s seldom a dull day.
All during the month of March, from 8AM to 1:00PM on Thursdays, Shepherd Center occupied most of the campus, teaching all kinds of fun and interesting classes, keeping our aging minds sharp and active. I taught the book of Genesis, but they offered Art History, Music History, German, Internet, Astronomy, Bells, Poetry and other guest speakers. These are four-to-six-week, one-hour classes. Shepherd Center will be hosting another session beginning on May 5th here at Peace. Try to join us, it’s a good time and you just might learn something new.
Our food pantry is running like a well-oiled machine. The amount of people served, and food distributed is incredible for a church our size. Lori Search and Charlene O’Brien, along with a group of dedicated volunteers work very hard to provide this ministry to our community. Stop by some Tuesday morning between 8:30AM and 11:00AM and see firsthand the work being done. Say, “Thanks.”
Speaking of food, Meals on Wheels that meets at our front doorsteps Monday through Friday, could use some help. I don’t know exactly how many meals they serve per day but it’s a lot—like 150-200? But I do know they have close to 100 people they cannot serve, because they do not have enough volunteer drivers. Folks, here’s a wonderful ministry for a couple of hours to provide a meal to an elderly or disabled person.
Pastor Chips and his flock at In Season Ministry, seem to be doing well and taking excellent care of the facility. Our long time AA brothers and sisters have rebounded from Covid, as have the other groups, and the rentals of our fellowship hall have picked up. Speaking of In Season Ministry, they along with Peace will be hosting VBS the week of July 11-15. Here is another opportunity a person could lend a hand. Call the office or speak with Faye Schill. And hopefully, next month I can announce some really great news about another possible new ministry.
Like I said, it’s been a while, but Peace Lutheran is making a comeback. Stop by sometime around lunch and one might be pleasantly surprised at the ministry being done by your church, Christ’s Church.
Yet, all of us realize that being Christ’s hands and feet in the world takes people and funding, that is why you guys and gals hear me talk so much about “time, talent and treasure.” It is the only way that the work Jesus, started some 2000 years ago can continue. Peace Lutheran is a place where Word and Sacrament are freely given, and the community is served. The church makes a huge difference in the world today! Please keep Her mind.
In the meantime, I will continue to try my hardest finding ways to share this much needed gospel to more and more people. Our internet presence is strong, but so far has not translated into disciples of time, talent and treasure. However, Peace has seen an increase of new faces these past few months, and a few of you have even brought a family member or friends. Way to go! That’s how we grow to glory of God!
This year for Easter and Holy Week, Peace Lutheran will offer Maundy Thursday (04/14) and Good Friday (04/15) worship at 12noon and 7:00PM. On Easter Morning at 6:30AM, Peace will offer the community an Easter Sunrise Service by the Three Crosses on the east side of the campus. Bring your own chair, if possible, if not one will be provided. Cindy Wagman has graciously volunteered to play the flute and communion will be served. Following worship, a pancake, sausage and egg breakfast will be served in the fellowship hall.
Then at 10AM on Easter morning, Peace will gather with song and praise to worship our Risen Lord. We considered offering two services but came to the conclusion it would be nice and encouraging to see and hear what Peace should and will look like in the future. The talent of our music department, the sounds of choir and bells, a beautiful message, with Holy Communion, possibly 100-150 saints and sinners singing “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,” will be a day can touch lives.
In order to promote these worship opportunities, I am hoping to “borrow” a sign to inform the surrounding community, (will be nice when we get our new one), and then I going to make a video with a song I rewrote to the theme of “The Beverly Hillbillies,” inviting up 15000 people, living in a 15-mile radius, through Facebook to Come and See. Here’s another small task a person could do—when you get ad, forward it to your friends and family, better yet actually bring them to church.
Yes, sometimes the journey seems to have its share of obstacles and roadblocks, but hopefully, you can see Peace Lutheran Church is trying her best to move forward and her hard work is beginning to show signs of life. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
In Christian Love, Pastor David Trexler