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Volunteer and Spread the Love



Volunteering is a great way to earn school community service hours

while helping our community!


Worship services
There are many ways to serve during worship and in preparation for worship: worship assistant, usher, acolyte, reader, greeter, communion server, projector technician, sound technician, altar guild, prepare refreshments, etc. 


Here at Peace we have many opportunities for service in Christian education. We need Children’s Church helpers, Sunday School teachers, and volunteers to help with Sunday School, VBS, Confirmation, Youth Group, First Communion, etc. 


Church Maintenance and Office Help

Peace is always in need of those willing to help with the maintenance of the church and help in the office. Weekly there are tasks that need to be done such as money counting, mailings, preparing Welcome Packets, painting, church repairs, etc. 


Music Ministry

The Peace Bell Choir plays at various services during the year.

The Peace Chancel Choir leads music at our Traditional Service.







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