Dear Friends through Christ:
You do know that our world operates a little differently than the church, right? For example, in society, the “dog days of summer” tend to be a time of rest and relaxation. For the Lampstands of Christ, we are just getting into the heart of Pentecost, the “work of the church.” Pentecost is the season where the church is to ramp things up in reaching those around us with the Gospel. While I’m quite certain most of our Christian population would prefer to follow society’s view of “relax, take it easy,” this is not the path Peace has chosen. During the dog days of summer, we will be doing the work of the Lord.
Starting on Monday, July 17th at 9:00AM, Peace Lutheran will host a week-long Vacation Bible School with up to 75 children under the age of eleven. Pray for us. This year’s theme is “God’s Living Water,” teaching how we are covered in Jesus’ grace through the waters of our baptism. These are life-giving words of wisdom for young minds. Actually, you can do much more than pray for us, you can find a way to help. We need volunteers, whether donating supplies needed, teaching a class, or serving snacks. We need adult supervision! Please see or call Faye Schill to let her know where you are willing to serve. Also please take a flyer in the narthex of the church and share with people who have children ages 4-11.
Then on Saturday, July 22nd at 6PM, Peace Lutheran will host a Spaghetti Dinner Trivia Night. Round up some of the people you enjoy spending time with—friends, family, neighbors—or come by yourself. Together test your amassed knowledge of trivia with groups of others. Loosen up, laugh, have fun with the stuff we know and the stuff what we don’t know. Not only that, treat yourself and your guests with one of the best spaghetti dinners they have eaten in a long time. Where can a person find, fellowship, entertainment and good food on a Saturday night for free? You can’t. But at Peace, God’s grace is always free!
Then on August 15th, our campus will gain a new tenant—Lifeline Academy. They will be using our back building as a Christian based college and career prep school for grades 8 through 12. Peace is currently using volunteers help get the building up to code. Dr. Cooks and I are working together to offer a weekly chapel to all the students of Lifeline, with up to 150 youth learning about the love of God and the work of Christ Jesus. I am excited.
I am also excited about bringing into our church family, Timothy Shay, along with his wife, Hannah and their three children. Timothy and family live in Rockledge, Florida. He is attending Lutheran Brethren Seminary in Fergus Falls, MN to receive a Master of Divinity. Currently, Tim works full time as Director of Social Services at The Terrace at Courtenay Springs in Merritt Island, while Hannah is employed full time at Eastern Florida University. Upon graduation, Tim right now feels called to become a Chaplain in the Air Force, drawing upon the experience gained from serving the United States Marine Corps from 2010 to 2016. Tim and Hannah also have backgrounds in youth ministry, so perhaps they can teach us a thing or two.
Our task at Peace, is to help Vicar Shay gain practical experience in preaching and teaching, learning the ins and outs, ups and downs of leading a congregation. We are also to show love and support for the entire family. Trust me, going through process of seminary is hard enough, but add full-time jobs, new city/location, and three young boys, Landon 14, Titus 8, and little Ephraim 3, and you have a very difficult task. Please take the time and effort to get to know the family, make them feel at home and help them in any way. Tim will begin this process by serving as assisting minister for the month of July.
So much for the “dog days of summer,” with rest and relaxation. Peace is going to be “hot” this summer. Hope you can come and sweat with us.
In Christian Love,
Pastor Trexler