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Now, What Are You Going to Do?

Dear Friends through Christ:

As I write, it is Palm Sunday afternoon, and I find myself wanting to say, “He is Risen!” But it’s not yet Easter. However, each and every single Sunday is a celebration of Easter. So, I’ll say it anyway, “He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!”

Hopefully, you get to read the newsletter before Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Peace will offer worship on both Holy Days at either 12 or 7:00PM. These are two of the most important days in our church calendar. Maundy comes from the Latin word “mandatum” or commandment. The command Jesus gave was simply that “you love one another, just as I have loved you.” We are to live here and now working toward the benefit of another—love.

And these are not just words coming from a Teacher’s mouth. Jesus leads by example. He assumes the role of a slave, takes off his outer robe, gets down on his knees and washes his disciple’s feet. You gotta admit, if more and more of us followed the example that Jesus set, the world would be a better place—that is a fact.

During the Passover, all the Hebrew people gathered to share a meal, celebrating their release from slavery and bondage. This Exodus was set in motion by marking the blood of a Lamb on their doorpost. On Maundy Thursday, the day of Passover, Jesus offers an even greater freedom through his own body and blood, through the Last Supper, The Great Thanksgiving, The Eucharist, The Lord’s Supper, or The Sacrament of Holy Communion; a “set apart fellowship,” which is a true mystery, promising to Passover our sins and even our death.

The next day we follow Jesus to the Cross. A dark moment in human history. Because of our refusal to follow this Crucified One in our daily lives, one sees the painful outcome of our sin.

Please take time to walk with Jesus to the Cross, and allow His Holy Word to make this journey of life meaningful, filled with Hope and Promise, so in the end we know for certain, “He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!”

Immediately following Easter worship, I will be traveling to the motherland of Ocean Isle, North Carolina, by my lonesome, to finish a project I started writing some 20 years ago, and in some ways a story that been planted in my brain since I was a little boy. For some reason I feel a connection with God through the vastness and sounds of the ocean. Always have. Since I will be spending 10-12 hours each day, every day, for 16 days, writing and scrambling my brain, I will at least be able to see, hear, feel and even smell the presence of something greater than myself. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide this task.

I will be praying for you also. Seriously. Each day about two hours before low tide, there are shells to be found, if one is willing to walk the shallows. Here is where I find my peace and comfort, just walking. I collect shells and later go through our directory, picturing a name to a face, I mark the sign of the Cross in each shell with a black magic marker, and pray that person may live through the waters of their Baptism, named as a child of God, and given purpose in this glorious creation. Amen.

I guess the “Amen” means it time to sign out on this Palm Sunday evening. I hope everyone has a blessed Easter, and I pray you all stay safe.

In Christian Love,

Pastor Trexler

PS: I almost forgot to mention, Meals On Wheels stages their pickup and deliveries in front of our sanctuary Monday through Friday. A wonderful “not for profit organization” that feeds mostly the elderly, a nutritious daily meal. They are in need of drivers to deliver these meals. We have a couple of volunteers from Peace, but they can use more. From my understanding a person can volunteer any day of the week or month. For example, if you wanted to deliver one or twice a month, you would simply set up the days you wish to serve humanity and the Lord. If you feel drawn to this ministry call 321-984-9270.

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