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Merry Christmas!

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Dear Friends through Christ:

Merry Christmas! I pray this holiday season be filled with the presence of Jesus. After all, He is the reason for the season!

This year’s Christmas Eve falls on Saturday, with two worship services being held: One at 4PM and the second at 7PM. Christmas Day is on Sunday, and yes, Peace will be offering a Christmas Day worship experience at 10AM, December 25th.

The following Saturday is December 31st, and on this day, Peace Lutheran will be hosting a New Year’s Eve party, from 2PM to 5PM. I realize there are many who have plans for this festive time, but there are many who have no plans. What better way to close out 2022 and bring in 2023, than to celebrate with people who love you and where food and entertainment will be provided. Then we will break into two groups: Those who want to play Bunco and who want to play Poker. (Poker was my idea) Prizes are awarded in Bunco; small amount of coins will change hands in Poker. But whatever game you decide, fun will be had by all. We only ask that you consider a donation to help keep the food pantry on solid ground through 2023.

Then at 5PM sharp, on December 31st, what a great day to kick off our very first Saturday night worship—A New Year’s Eve Service. (Again, there is worship on Sunday, New Year’s Day at 10 AM) Every Saturday at 5:00PM sharp, week after week, throughout 2023, Peace will offer an alternative time to worship, with just a slightly different look than Sunday. Announcements will be made, confessions will be confessed, one or two Scripture lessons will be read, with the same message as Sunday, prayers of the church will be offered, Holy Communion will be celebrated and who knows what type of music one will hear—could be Christian Pop, Country, Rock, Hymns, who knows… One thing I do know is that in the past, the Saturday service brought in people who would not or could not worship on Sunday. I like to call the worship experience, “A short, sweet and meaningful way to end a hard week.”

So, get the word out! Tell your friends and family about a new opportunity to worship a God who gives us everything. Your voice it the best way to grow Peace Lutheran Church. I thank you in advance.

I see a promising future in store for Peace in the year of our Lord, 2023. There are frequent new faces coming to worship, the campus looks beautiful, and it is quite busy during the week, so much so, you guys and gals are starting to wear me out. Which is a good thing. I love to be busy. New Bible studies are on the horizon and there seems to be a sense of peace at Peace, no quarreling or backstabbing. We truly are becoming a church where all people are welcome. We are one in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Let me just say, it has been an honor and privilege to serve as your pastor the past four years, and I pray that during the season of Advent, the Lord Jesus Christ will enter your home and your life will be filled with his blessings of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.

Allow me to close with a short story recorded for Dial-A-Story (321-727-1048). Three little boys were standing around a campfire, roasting hot dogs. As the juice bubbled out of the hot dogs and trickled down into the dancing flames, one little boy says, “Geeze, you know what I’d like to be at Christmas time? I’d like to be a shepherd in fields, so I could see the angels.” The second little boy said, “I’d like to be the angel.” The third little tike said, “I’d like to be the star!”

“Why a star?” Asked the other two boys.

“Because, if I were that star, then I could lead people to Jesus.”

Listen, this Advent Season, be a star and lead people to Jesus. Bring someone, anyone with you to see Jesus this Christmas holiday.

Gotta Go. Bye now. Have a wonderful and blessed Advent and Christmas!

Pastor David Trexler

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