Dear Friends through Christ:
The world is turning faster and faster. The days get harder and harder. The season of Lent is exactly what we need right now! “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Folks if that don’t shake the cobwebs loose, nothing will. Lent is a season of soul searching and repentance. It is a season of reflection and re-dedication. The disciplines of Lent are a 40-day spiritual struggle in which we follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to the Cross. The goal is to realize what God has done. If we are to pull ourselves out of this blue funk; if we are to be lifted to the joy of Easter, we must take seriously these 40 days of Lent. As your pastor, I will try to be the best guide possible.
Traditionally during Lent, we make a sacrifice. Jesus gave up his life for us! Giving up something for Lent is simply an outward sign of our faith. We either give up something not good; or start something that is good. For my part on Ash Wednesday, I will give up smoking. I’ve never said this out loud or in writing. The only time in the past 50 years, where I haven’t smoked were two days in boot camp on Paris Island. Every single day for 50 years. Folks, that’s just crazy! But you know what? In my 65 years on this good green earth, I have yet to meet a single person that wasn’t crazy or messed up in one way or the other. That’s what makes God’s love so spectacular. Pray for me and I will pray for you. Make a sacrifice in the name of Jesus.
Next, for 40 days, Ash Wednesday, March 2 to Good Friday, April 15, spend time with the Lord. When your feet hit the floor in the morning, when you splash water on your face, remember your baptism and the promises that come with being a child of the Most High and Living God. Find yourself a good daily devotional and perhaps share with another. Everyday. Everyday think about the Cross—the life/death and resurrection of Jesus.
Next mark your calendar with an X on Wednesday and Sunday to share in the greatest Love Story ever told. This Lenten experience we will examine, “The source of Sin and Evil, Who is Jesus, The Work of Christ, Word and Sacrament, The Work of the Spirit, and finally, What’s next. Our Wednesday service will be offered at 12:00 Noon and 7:00PM. My prayer is that during these 40 days, you will examine your life and the life of Jesus Christ at a deeper level.
Once we reach Holy Week, Palm Sunday we will celebrate with the Edwards’ family for their daughter Olivia’s First Communion and their newborn daughter Elizabeth’s Holy Baptism, with Palm Branch waving. Peace will host Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services also at 12 noon and 7:00PM. Then on Easter Sunday, April 17, we will be offering an Easter Sunrise Service by the Crosses in the back of the church at 6:30AM, followed by a pancake breakfast, with two Sunday services at 8:30AM and 10:00AM.
I hope and pray during these fast times and hard days, you will commit a portion of your time and effort to these spiritual exercises. They will result in spiritual strength, and if you are anything like me, right now, we can use all the spiritual strength we can get our hands on. Allow Lent to do its work.
In Christian Love,
Pastor David Trexler