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November 2024 Issue

Dear Friends Through Christ:

Tis the season to feel blessed!  Happy Thanksgiving!  And folks, we truly have much to be thankful for, starting with the blessing of being able to have a vote in who will be the next person, or persons to help run this glorious nation.  We as Americans have more rights and freedoms than most. We as Americans also have more power and influence throughout our world.  Our nation at this time has accumulated more wealth and modern luxuries than most of the planet can only imagine.  All I’ve got to say, is that as a nation and as Christians it would be a shame not to share all those blessings from heavenly Father.  We truly have much!  Happy Thanksgiving! 

Our Church Year is ending on November 24th with Christ the King Sunday.   We began this journey with the very first line of Mark, “The beginning of the good news about Jesus, the Son of God.”  Yet, what we noticed throughout the gospel of Mark is that nobody recognizes Jesus as the Son of God, even though Jesus keeps doing all these crazy things.  Nobody in the gospel of Mark knows that Jesus is God’s Son, nobody. 

Throughout our story, only the demons and the Roman centurion who nails Jesus to the Cross recognize Jesus for who he is!  Crazy uh?   

So, after spending almost a year emersed in this fascinating story, my question to you is, “Do you now recognize Jesus as the Son of God?”

Just a few weeks ago, we also learned that Jesus is the Son of Man.  Jesus, son of God, faithful and serving God.  Jesus, son of Man, faithful and serving Humanity.  Jesus teaches us something incredible.  He says, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.”  This person Jesus, a man given by God more power and influence than any human being who has ever walked the face of this God green earth. 

And what does Jesus do with these gifts?  He shares them.  He gives them away.  I guess Jesus thought it be a shame not to share these blessing from the Father.  Happy Thanksgiving!


Like I said, tis the season to feel blessed.  Remember to grab a Thanksgiving bag or two and help feed those who struggle with the necessities of food.  Then just around the corner at Christmas, many of our elderly and children have not accumulated the wealth and luxuries that so many of us are blessed with.  Many have nothing to give or get.  You will be given the opportunity to share with others and be a blessing to another person, being Christlike, serving God and serving others.  Take a Christmas angel or two.  Folks that is our purpose! Daughter/Son of God!  Son/Daughter of humanity. 

Also, at this time of the year, “Scrip,” the program my wife, Sandy is passionate about because it helps to feed the poor, anyway Scrip offers about every store a person can think of for “gift cards.”  And some of the gift cards give back 10% and 20%.  And presto, then you are done with a Christmas present.  Want another way to find to be thankful?  Sometime, right after Christmas, I’m going to need some help with purchasing about 30 text books on World’s Religion, where I’m offering up my time and knowledge for low income families to receive college credits without the cost.  The class will be open to all. 


Also soon, we will be offering fun opportunities to help in raising funds to add recreational opportunities for the younger generation.  Coming soon, Saturday Food Trucks!   Plus, at the beginning of the year our chapel will be held in the Sanctuary, on Wednesday, probably right before lunch, with at least 60 students and teachers.  Here our youth will learn the art of public speaking and taking part in exciting discussions about God, humanity, and life, all while reading Scripture.  Chapel will probably only last about 20 minutes, but it too will be open to adults, might make it interesting. 

One final note relating to Thanksgiving, a couple of newsletters ago I wrote how Peace is pretty much “filled up” during the week doing what She feels is the “work of the Lord.”  Well, we managed to squeeze in one needed ministry, a “cold night shelter,” I spoke of a year ago.  When the temperature falls below 45°, our fellowship hall becomes a place where the homeless receive a warm meal served with dignity, and a place to lay their head. (Counseling/Bible/Movies till 9PM) 7AM Breakfast and sent back to the world with lunch and a bus ticket.  The Brevard Homeless Coalition runs the nuts and bolts of the program, the churches volunteer to provide a meal or breakfast.

Tis the season to feel blessed!  Happy Thanksgiving!  And folks, we truly have much to be thankful for!  As I put the closing thoughts to my 315th newsletter, (give or take a few), I realize this is the 6th election I have gone through as a pastor, and Tuesday, November 5th, Peace will serve as a voting site, another ministry to this community.  By the time you read this letter, perhaps we will know the outcome, or maybe not, but either way the results have no bearing on the work of Peace Lutheran, the results have no bearing on my purpose as a child of God. 

May I just say, “Pray for whomever wins!  Because no matter what, we truly have much and as Christians it would be shame for us not to share it!  Happy Thanksgiving!”

In Christian Love,

Pastor Trexler


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